Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Liar Liar, Pants on Fire (Part 1)

 WARNING:  Some folks might get real upset with what I have to say.  And, some folks might get real upset with how I say it, and the terms that I use.  If this offends you, and you continue to read this post..    ........as they say in German.........das tut mir leid "sorry about that" ....so suck it up!!!!!  Or don't continue to read this post.

Whose pants are on fire?  The current Vice-President of the United States, Kamala Harris.

Right now we are going to focus on one item in particular (might throw some others in for the heck of it), but primarily concentrating on one particular item.

Remember when the not so illustrious White House press secretary said that comments and videos of Joe Biden in a declining cognitive state were cheap fakes?  Remember how the Cackling One said that Biden was OK?  And all of the other pieces of lying trash agreed? 

Then what happened?  Biden gets into a public debate with Donald Trump, his decline is so obvious that Harris and other senior members of the Democratic party take part in a non-violent coup d'état.  Talk about the real threat do democracy, as they proceed to anoint Horrible Harris as their party's candidate.  Yepper.....no open convention, no real voice of the  people.  Even leadership of the Black Lives Matter organization decried this process.

Now, I am not a medical professional.  But, I do have some common sense, and the ability to read.  Cognitive decline does not occur overnight.  How could those closest to him, politically associated, government associated and most importantly family, not have noticed his decline.  Why did he not have a full cabinet meeting for over 10 months?  

His true condition was being covered up putting our country at grave risk.  Who has been really running the country?  Who has their finger on the "button".  And now after the coup d'état, what are our enemies thinking? Horrible Harris had an obligation under the 25th Amendment to take appropriate legal action and failed to do so.  She is a liar by being complicit in covering up Biden's condition.

Horrible Harris and her cronies are the real threat to our democracy.

When Donald Trump started to build the wall on the southern border he was accused of being a racist and xenophobic.  Harris was against it.  Now she says we need it.  What a lying bimbo.  Are her Democratic cronies going to call her a racist and xenophobic? Over 11,000,000 illegal aliens creeping into our country.  And, what is really scary is the information from the CBP about the number of single, no family, military age men, from countries that are adversaries if ours coming in.  That is a threat to democracy.

And.......she is trying to steal Trump's point about no taxes on tips.  Totally opposite of what she has voted for.