Went to one of the major supermarkets the other day to get a birthday card for my grandson. It was one of those that when you open it up it talks to you.
Then I went to their customer service area to get postage for it. It was one of those that needed extra postage. The young lady at the counter was going to print off a meter strip for it. Told her that I would prefer a stamp. She told me the only 58 cent stamp they had, had a picture of an ugly old woman on it. I said no problem.
Then I looked at the stamp. It was Margaret Chase Smith. I asked the young lady if she knew who that was. She said no. Gave her a quick history lesson. Margaret Chase Smith was the first woman to be elected to both the US House of Representatives and then the US Senate. Did not go into the rest of her history. Women like her paved the way for the female politicians (and corporate executives) of today.
Ugly old woman???? No, a very beautiful lady.