Yes, I've been quiet for almost a month. Why?
Well, there was a committee meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee a few weeks ago. There were two items on the agenda and I could not believe that nobody from the community showed up.
One item was the redrawing of the ward boundaries. Don't the people of Shawnee care which ward they live in? Don't they care who their reps on the council are? Don't they care who they might be voting for, for council (if they ever get off their lazy butts, since voter turn out stinks)?
The other item concerned hunting regulations within the city limits.
Regardless of what a person's opinon is, the fact that folks in Shawnee continue to show as much apathy as they do about their local government never ceases to amaze me.
I am continuoulsy getting emails and phone calls with suggestions of causes and situations that people think would be good to get involved with. My answer to them...............why don't you get involved?
By the way, the two items mentioned above will be on tonight's city council agenda. Will you be there or will you be crying after the fact?