Sunday, February 05, 2012

Not Very Neighborly

What are we referring to?  The action that placed Jim Neighbor on the city council representing Ward 1.

For the "long" story scroll down to my post "The 'Cheryl Scott' Debacle And Its Relevance Today" posted below on 1/28/12.

The short version is that Cheryl Scott could have resigned early enough for her seat to be placed on the ballot for the spring 2010 election.  Instead, she did not resign until after the election.  That left two options for the council.  To select her replacement or call for a special election, since the fall election was outside the parameters of the time element for filling the position.  Naturally, enough individuals on the council chose to "save" the city money by not having the special election.  But what happened to the fact that anybody with common sense could read between the lines to see what was happening?

Then when one looks at the resumés of those who applied, Mr. Neighbor included, it raises even more questions.  One of the individuals who applied had been a retired USAF colonel (running military hospitals)and also retired as CEO/President of two major hospitals in the KC area.  His background in budgets, personnel staffing etc put him, IMHO and the opinion of others head and shoulders over Mr. Neighbor.  Of the five resumés submitted I'd have to rank Mr. Neighbor's as 3 or 4.  But certain individuals on the council apparently had a plan and nobody was going to stop it.

Sandifer made the motion to appoint Neighbor and that was seconded by Kuhn.  Then Morris, Vaught and Sawyer voted with them.

This travesty fostered on the voters of  Ward 1 needs to be corrected. 

Charles Macheers needs to be elected over Neighbor in Ward 1.

Kuhn (Ward 3), Sandifer (Ward 4)  and Sawyer (Ward 2) need to be replaced by Ferris, McAfee and Kemmling accordingly for their complicity in this action.

I also find it hard to believe that Mayor Meyers couldn't see what was going on.  Time to replace him with Eric Jenkins.