Friday, October 16, 2015

Mayor Distler, A Class Act, To Meet With Hostile Group

Mayor Distler was invited and accepted an invitation to speak at the NW JoCo Republicans meeting on Monday, 10/19/15 at Minsky's I-435 & Midland on Renner. There is a self pay dinner at 5:30PM for those wishing to eat and the meeting starts at 6:00PM.

This is just additional proof that Mayor Distler is more than willing to meet with people who not only did not support her candidacy but were actually hostile towards it.

It is no secret that I blogged in favor of her candidacy.  The vitriol that I received about that from the senior leadership of NWJCR both in emails and verbally was outrageous.  Their hostility was obvious by the various adjectives used to describe Ms. Distler.  The icing on the cake was a call made by that same senior leadership on the night that the mayor was sworn in.  Outrageous!!!

IMHO, Mayor Distler is definitely a better person than the leadership of that group for being willing to walk into the lion's den to speak with a group whose leadership is openly hostile towards her.

She is, as they would say in Yiddish, a mensch.  Not familiar with that term?

A mensch is a someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being "a real mensch" is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous. (Rosten, Leo. 1968. The Joys of Yiddish. New York: Pocket Books. 237)