Thursday, July 21, 2016

Show Up or Shut Up

Wow...............the title of this blog sounds like "fighting words".

OK, what is meant by those words?  Well, it has to do with the budget.  On Monday, 7/25/16 the city council will be holding a public hearing on the new budget.  The meeting starts at 7:30PM.

Every year I hear some folks griping about the budget (and some who like it).  But the gripers never show up to voice their opinions publicly and get their thoughts onto the record, or do anything to change it.

Over the past few months there have been a variety of  council committee meetings where the budget was discussed.  The schedule was posted.  How many members of the public showed?  How many will show this coming Monday night?

Maybe my comment in the title is not polite.  Well, it's not meant to be.  I get real ticked off when I hear folks complain about city government and do nothing about it.  And that includes Shawnee's abysmal voter turn out for city elections.

So, in case you didn't read it, I'll repeat it.  Monday is the budget up or shut up.