On 4/29 Council Rep Lindsey Constance sent out her monthly "Constance Correspondence". In it she mentioned that at the 4/9 council meeting the Shawnee PD received the AAA Silver Award for traffic safety. The agenda had it listed as such, and Council President Zimmerman (sitting in for the mayor) announced it as such.
The AAA representative twice mentioned that it was the Gold Award that the Shawnee PD was receiving. Constance had to have heard it. She sits closest to the podium.
Needless to say I emailed her to advise her of her mistake and even copied the AAA rep's comments from the meeting minutes.
So, what did Constance NOT do?:
1. She didn't thank me for sending her the correct info
2. She didn't send out the correct information to those who received her original newsletter (at least I never saw a corrected copy)
3. She didn't apologize to the PD in a corrected copy of her newsletter (see 2 above)
Hmmm, is she one of those educators who thinks that they can do no wrong? Or that they are beyond admitting when they are wrong?