Friday, March 27, 2020

Social Distancing, Quarantines, Shelter In Place & Etc.

Been reading about people and their reactions to the current situation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

No doubt it will have a horrendous impact financially on many people.  But what can we do?  Should everybody go back to normal work now and just let this thing spread further?  In the long run we will recover.  We have in the past and we will now and we will in the future.

There are certain complaints I hear though that truly upset me.  These are the folks who complain about not being able to dine in at restaurants, go to the movies, visit their favorite sports bar, etc etc etc.

If ya wanna talk about having it rough ask one of the few living vets from WWII what restrictions they had in Europe, and/or the Pacific?  What part of a normal life did they have?  Add to that those that served in Korea, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.  Toilet paper shortage?  They were lucky if they had functioning toilets.  Most often a slit trench latrine. Then take it a step further.  What about the POWs in WWII, Korea, Viet Nam?  And what about the folks that were held hostage by Iran for 444 days.  Talk about quarantine.  Talk about isolation.  Talk about not being able to do what you want.  The Iran hostage event was in 1979.  Probably 1/2 of America wasn't even born yet.

Soooo, suck it up snowflakes.  We WILL persevere.  And, we still can do more than what most of those I mentioned could do in their circumstances.  Bet that the "residents" of the Hanoi Hilton would have loved to call up a restaurant and drive over for curbside service.  Or spend more time with their families.  Or, go out and walk/jog a trail, ride a bike or just take a short drive.  Even still being able to go to the grocery store and the aforementioned curbside service.

Now, let's look at another aspect of the situation.  These irresponsible idiots who are doing anything and everything to blame Trump for the situation.  He is doing a great job.  You can't have a vaccine for something until you know what it's make up is.  You can't have a vaccine until you know the cure won't be worse than the disease.  Just like a computer virus.  Folks go bananas when they get one and blame Norton, McAfee et al.  When a new one comes out these companies need to analyze it so they can develop the cure.  The difference is that a biological cure can take quite awhile as opposed to a computer logic one.  So, for all the idiots who are trying to make Trump look bad, you've been doing that for 3-1/2 years and just making yourselves look foolish.

As for Nancy Pelosi, what is with the BS of tacking on items to the recovery bill for stuff that has nothing to do with the COVID problem?  This sicko has to go bye bye.  A republican majority after the next election will cut her off as she won't be speaker anymore.  She is doing almost as much damage to Americans as the COVID virus itself.