Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Shawnee, Quit Stifling Citizen Input

 On January 28, 2021 I sent the following email to the governing body.

It speaks for itself.

Short, sweet and to the point.

Even though folks are encouraged to listen to the live stream of council meetings there are provisions for individuals to attend in person.

It’s high time that the agenda item “Business from the floor” be brought back. 

The idea that citizens can email the council with their thoughts is fine, except that does not replace an actual live commentary possibly with back up documents.

IMHO there is no valid reason not to have the opportunity for individuals to address the council on matters that are not on the rest of the agenda. 

The citizens of Shawnee deserve the opportunity to address the council, live and in person.  This continued stifling of input is outrageous.