Sunday, September 05, 2021

Ward 4 Needs Jacklynn Walters for the Shawnee City Council

Jacklynn Walters, is a very strong conservative candidate for Shawnee’s Ward 4. Her web site is and her email is


Who is she running against?  Kevin Makalous.  Why is he running?  Because the current Ward 4 council member Lindsey Constance chose at the last minute to drop out and he was ready to file (how long was that being planned?).  Now, here’s the kicker.  Constance is the campaign treasurer for Makalous.  Two left wing liberal whackos.  Remember her?  She ran against Mike Thompson for state senate.  Makalous is terrible.  

Now Makalous  wants folks to carry a COVID passport on their smart phones.  Think I’m kidding you?  Below is a screen shot from his FB page, complete with his photo making that comment.  This man is one of those power hungry, we want to control your life liberal democrats. Click on the image to view it larger.

He was also a supporter of the Shawnee Community Center project………….which thankfully failed at the ballot box.  He didn’t care how the cost of that project would affect the average Shawnee resident.  He said the community wanted it.  It didn’t and proved it by voting it down 72-28.  And if ya don’t believe me there are three FB screen captures below with his comments. Again, click on the images to view them larger. Makalous is a man who won’t listen to the voters.

I urge you to support Jacklynn Walters  by volunteering to help her and if you can with some funding.  Even if you don’t live in Ward 4, for the council, to be able to do the right things for Shawnee we need her on the council.   When council members vote, they are voting for the whole city, not just their wards.