Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Did Mickey Sandifer Lie to Voters While Campaigning


Remember previous posts of mine how Sandifer has a habit of telling people what they want to hear.  Well, here’s one to figure out.

When campaigning for office, most candidates get lists of voters in their districts.  With Sandifer running for mayor that would have been a list of all voters in Shawnee.  These lists show the voters’ names, addresses, party affiliation and whether or not they voted in recent elections.

Now here’s the catch regarding the headline question.  Sandifer is a registered Republican.  No problem there.  Would be willing to bet that when he went to a residence where the voter was also a registered Republican that he touted his party affiliation.  Would almost be stupid not to.  It would create a sort of kinship.

So, if Sandifer was pushing his party affiliation to other registered Republicans why is he supporting a Democrat for Kansas State Senate?  Now he is entitled to support whoever he wants, but if he pushed his Republican ties to other Republicans, was he lying to them about how he stood on various subjects. 

Anyway, Sandifer recently attended a fundraiser for Andrew Mall the Democratic challenger to State Senator Mike Thompson.  Heck Mickey, quit telling people you’re a Republican and then you support Democrats.  Don’t believe me?  Check this link https://www.instagram.com/p/C8nLaQhPuoO/?igsh=MXcyZXhmZHRlY3Vjbg==    That was to a fund raiser for Andrew Mall which was attended by many local Democrats including Gov. Kelly.  And then the icing on the cake is he apparently is also supporting another Democrat, this for  Vanessa Vaugn West for state rep.  Don’t believe me about that?  Check this out https://www.vanessaforkansas.com/community 

So Mickey Sandifer, in true Mickey BS mode, touts his Republican affiliation and then supports Democrats for public office.  At least the right thing to do would be for him to change his party affiliation.