Sunday, February 02, 2025

"I Don't Have To Answer To You" Mayor Mickey "Julius Caesar" Sandifer

 That's what he said to me at last Monday's city council meeting.  At one point he even suggested that I go back to school.  Heck, if anybody needs to go back to school it is the mayor. He does have to answer to me, and, to any citizen of Shawnee.  We don't work for him.  He works for us.  Somebody needs to print out a copy of the city's organization chart and show it to this imbecile.  The citizens of Shawnee are at the top of the chart and the mayor is subservient to them.

What prompted this?

1. Shortly after the new council began its term Sandifer appointed W2 Councilperson Murphy to the Downtown Partnership.  This is a position that traditionally does go to a W2 council member.

2.  Councilmember Gillette inquired how come Sandifer was appointing a brand new council person as opposed to the other W2 individual, Dr. Mike Kemmling.

3. Sandifer stated because Murphy "had sent me a request and Kemmling did not"

4. I submitted an open records request for any emails between Sandifer/Murphy regarding that subject.

5. The city denied the request saying those records were exempt.  I went back and forth with the city attorney on her interpretation of state law.

6. I filed a KORA complaint with the Kansas Attorney General.  It took quite a long time to get a response, but I finally received the AG's finalization, via snail mail, on Saturday 1/25/25.

7.  The AG's office indicated that they had instructed the city to comply with my request.  (Did I interpret state law more accurately than the city attorney?)  They then indicated that the city advised them that there were no emails, so, there was no KORA violation.

8.  No emails.

9. So on Monday 2/3/25, I spoke at council and indicated that it appeared that the mayor was a liar.  And, if that being the case, then Murphy could have been considered to have been "lying by omission".  (Looks it up, it's an interesting concept).

10.  I informed the mayor that if the emails were done using his personal email that that would be a no-no for doing city business.  But if that was the case he needed to produce the emails within 48 hours.  And that was when he said he didn't have to answer to me.  Along with comments that there were other methods that the request could have been communicated (verbal).  

11.  His choice of words at the 2/12/24 council meeting that she had sent him a request was clear.  If it had been verbal the common expression would have been something to the effect of "she called me and asked or she spoke with me in the office and asked".

12.  This imbecile really feels that he doesn't have to answer to a citizen.  His pseudo dictatorial comments will come back and bite him on his posterior.