Old Shawnee Days 2008 has come and gone. Many people put in lots of hours to make it another successful attraction for Shawnee. Congrats to all.
I only have one question: Where were the Colors? This year they were carried by the Sons of the Revolution, but they did not "step off" first.
OK folks.......I'm not going to get in the middle of which organization needed to be the first to march. Apparently there has been an ongoing dialogue about that.
What I am going to say is that, no matter which organization is first, the Colors need to "step off" first. Could it be the American Legion? Yes. Or a Color Guard of Shawnee safety personnel (FD and/or PD), a Guard or Reserve unit, or even the Color Guard from Ft Leavenworth as we are on part of the Old Military Road. Protocol, custom and tradition dictate that. The Colors should NOT follow behind any other marching unit.
For future reference, how about an invite to the mounted cavalry unit from Ft Riley? Part of their mission is to march in local and patriotic parades in Kansas.