Tuesday, May 14, 2019

It Ain't Over 'Til It's Over

The mail ballot election for the proposed Shawnee Community Center is what we are referring to.

All ballots have to be in to the JoCo Election office by noon next Tuesday, 5/21/19. Postage has been prepaid. If not mailed by Friday 5/17 we'd like to suggest that they then be hand delivered to the election office 2101 East Kansas City Rd, Olathe. Just a couple of blocks south of Bass Pro. There is a convenient drive up lane where you do not even have to get out of your car.

Let's all pull together to defeat this "want" because our city has many more important "needs".

Our city needs better infrastructure in many neighborhoods. We are talking sidewalks, street repairs, storm water drainage, curbs, etc.

Our city needs a replacement for fire station 71 and a new squad 75 station.

Our city needs our public safety departments to be fully staffed. At all times.

Check with your friends, family, neighbors and see if they have voted yet. If they haven't, please remind them that there is no in person voting on this election. The only way to make your voice heard is by voting.