Sunday, May 12, 2019

Watch the Highway Signs

The city council’s move to create a “new Shawnee” west of 435 diverts critical resources away from the heart of Shawnee.  Let’s keep Shawnee one community working for all of us. Vote No!
If you haven't mailed back your ballot time is getting short.  The ballots need to be received at the JoCo Election office NLT Tuesday 5/21/19 at noon (not postmarked).  To be on the safe side, if you do not mail them back by Friday 5/17/19 please hand deliver them 24/7 to the election office.  There is a drive up lane with a drop box.  You do not even have to get out of your car. It is located just a few blocks south of Bass Pro at:
2101 East Kansas City Road
Olathe, Kansas 66061