Monday, August 19, 2024

Businesses Hurting in the Midland Entertainment District

As a result of the bridge repairs being done at I-435 and Midland Drive the businesses in that area are really getting beat up.

So, here's the email I sent today to the president of the chamber, the mayor, the governing body, the city manager, and the city's communications director.  Hate to say it but I doubt if anything will come of it since I am not a member of the "inner sanctum", or somebody will co-opt the ideas and claim them as their own.  LMFAO.

Good evening,

Had lunch with a friend today at Paulo & Bill’s.  Great food and great service as usual.

Now, let’s talk about the Midland Entertainment District.   Whoopee, we gave the area a name.  Hot dog.  What the hell is that going to do?

Where is the creativity among the businesses, the chamber and anybody else associated with that area to bring folks in while the construction is ongoing?

 I saw an item on Next Door where a gentleman was complaining about the situation.  Responded to him in a way that those involved, including KDOT should respond.  Told him the choice was to either repair/replace the bridge because it needed it or not do anything, let it collapse and kill some folks.  Which would he choose?

 Now, let’s get to the creativity.

 Here are some suggestions.  Some may be good, some may be bad, but hopefully it will get folks thinking about doing things to bring folks into the “Midland Entertainment District”.


  1.  Create a “435 Happy Hour” with specials starting at 4:35 (not just drinks but food and maybe other items).
  2. Create a “435” menu with many items priced as “435”  i.e. $4.35, $14.35, $24.35 etc.
  3. Give customers a separate “gas receipt coupon” at all venues that they can turn in to the two gas stations for a discount.  For every $4.35 they spend at one venue they get 10¢/gal cash refund, or something that would be economically feasible, for all.  Let the “experts” calculate the appropriate amount.
  4. Have a neighborhood block party.  Big parking lot in front of the Hampton Inn and another nice sized one in that strip shopping center where Minsky’s is.  Have music, dancing and special prices on food, drinks and other items.  Gee, maybe a special $4.35 movie ticket day or night or something.
  5. Combine some promos……$4.35 movie ticket gets ya a $4.35 slice of pizza and a cold drink…………again, let the experts calculate what is feasible.  Sometimes, taking a smaller profit margin is better than taking -0-.  Have the different businesses play off of each other.

 I could go on and on but I won’t.  Let’s see some damned creativity out there.  One of the current members of the city council once referred to me as an angry old man.  Well, he was right.  I am angry at what I perceive to be a lack of creativity………..and IMHO, that needs to come from the Chamber and the businesses affected.

 If you have trouble reading this email you can view it on my blog.
