Friday, August 02, 2024

Shawnee's Budget Open House

 People are always asking:  "Where does the city spend its money?' "How does the city get its money to spend?'  "Why was money spent on (fill in)?"  "Why wasn't money spent on (fill in)?"

On 7/30/24 starting at 6:00PM the City of Shawnee held a Budget Open House at the Town Hall of Shawnee Town 1929.  The city's Communications Department did a heck of a job in:

1. Giving notice about the open house over various forms of media outreach, numerous times.

2. Preparing informative visual aids to explain the proposed 2025 budget.  

 The city manager, the assistant city manager and all department heads were there to answer questions, 

So, how many of Shawnee's citizens showed up?  Wanna take a guess?  C'mon now, give it a shot, take a guess.

Scroll down for the answer.

Keep scrolling.

One more time.

The answer is four.  Yepper, four, and that number includes me.  So, of over 63,000 citizens in our city, only four of us went to this event.

All I have to say is that sucks!!!!!!  But go ahead, complain, gripe and question what the city does with your money (yepper, no government entity has its own money, it comes from the citizens).  Very disappointing.  

The public hearing for the budget will be on Monday 8/26/24.  Wonder how many folks will show up for that?