Friday, March 10, 2017

Dumb Bunny Award 3/10/17

I have decided to periodically announce what may be considered as the Dumb Bunny Award.  Though the criteria is nowhere near that for the famous Darwin award, the criteria will be............what were they thinking?

OK, here's the first one, and this comes from the Shawnee PD on line case activity postings:

CN170099003/06/2017 10:09 PM16300 Block W 65 ST AUTO THEFTVictim parked his truck in the parking lot of Lowe's on 03/03/2017 at approximately 1400-1500 hours, and left for a vacation. The vehicle was not in the parking lot when the victim came to get it at 1500 hours 03/06/2017.

Let's see, Dumb Bunny leaves his vehicle in a commercial business parking lot for three days while he goes on vacation.  Vehicle would probably be sitting in that parking lot at certain times of the day all by its lonesome, screaming out loud, "come and steal me."