Friday, November 11, 2022

Veteran's Day 2022

 Three days ago we held elctions in this country.  Basically, the sytem worked.  It did not work because of politicians.  It did not work because of elected officials.  It did not work because of government bureaucrats.  It did not work because of sanctimonious, holier than thou media pundits (written, TV or otherwise).

It worked because over the years millions of America's men and women took an oath "........that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;............"

Many served when there were no conflicts, but they stood at the ready, willing to back up that oath.  Many served during times of conflict.  For those that returned home they brought with them in many cases physical and/or mental scars.  For those that did not return home, they maxed out that blank check that every American servicemember writes payable to the People of the United States for any amount up to and including their life.

Please, never forget Veteran's Day.