Wednesday, December 19, 2007

And In This Corner.....................

Last night was a real learning experience.

First, there was the special city council meeting. This was to clear up some year end business with regards to licenses and a few other items. Believe it took about 25 minutes to accomplish this. So far so good.

Next, we had the regularly scheduled Public Works and Safety Committee meeting.

The last item on the agenda is where the fireworks started.

Apparently at one time Councilmember Straub had asked staff to review the procedures for grounds maintenance by the Parks Dept.

Well, it looked like staff did one heck of a job. A brief synopsis would show that by adding 3 1/2 additional employees, obtaining some equipment, the city could eliminate the outside contracting that it does now. It appeared to show how the city could save money, and also better cover other areas. These areas are the special events that the Parks Dept employees have to cover and also participation in snow/ice abatement.

It appears that Straub and Pflumm seemed to think the info was incomplete. Basically, they want the city staff to prepare RFPs (requests for proposals) to have private contractors bid on the grounds maintenance performed by the Parks Dept. Like they are going to get private contractors off their butts at 2AM to come in and assist the Public Works Dept in snow/ice abatement. Like these contractors would be there for city events with the same dedication as the employees.

Straub seemed to contradict himself. He said something about the sub-division where he lives hires a contractor. That they don't go for the cheapest, that they go for the best quality. Then he turns around and wants the city to go the cheapest route. There was more to it, but the discussion got so hot and heavy at times that I really thought there would be a physical confrontation. I have witnessed more decorum in a telecast of the WWE.

It got to the point where I was going to ask the City Clerk if she had a copy of the Marquis of Queensbury Rules instead of Roberts Rules of Order.

What was really "cute" was when Pflumm flat out, looked at Straub and again pulled the puppet strings. He flat out told Straub "If you make a motion to yada yada yada I'll second it". Naturally, Straub did as he was instructed. Only thing I didn't hear him say was "Jawohl Herr Pflumm".

When the RFP goes out it will be interesting to see which contractors respond. Very interesting.

Anyway, there are so many things that the Parks Dept employees do that a contractor would never do............oh well............hopefully the council as a whole will see the light.