Thursday, March 06, 2008

Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Recently, Kevin Straub the Ward III council rep has let it be known how strongly he feels about the above subject.

With this in mind, it needs to be noted that the council will be taking its annual excursion to Washington DC for the meeting of the League of Cities. This is important.

Naturally the expenses of the council members are covered by the city (taxpayers) as they should be.

What happens when a married council member elects to take a spouse along? The answer is simple. The council person or the spouse covers the cost of the transportation, food, and any incidental expenses incurred by the spouse. Again, the way it should be. Now, when it comes to the hotel accomodations, that is also easily handled. The spouse gets to reside in the same room. That is because there is a contract. It is called a marital contract. And, it does not provide for any substitution of personnel as roommates. This is known as a sole source contract.

Now if the council person is single, like for example, Mr Straub, there is no sole source contract. As such, if he is desirous of having a roommate at city expense it should go out to bid, with the lowest bidder being awarded the contract for sharing the accomodations.

We have prepared an RFP, and.......wait a minute...........we might not need the RFP.

Seems like the bids have already come in. We have a low bidder.

The appropriate individual is pictured below and is the person who should accompany Mr Straub.