Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Election 2008

Well, it's over. Almost three years of campaigning and it's over. A few weeks ago I read a commentary in the newspaper that JFK announced his candidacy on Jan 2, 1960. That gave us an 11 month campaign.

Why can't we have that again? These multi year campaigns can be a drag.....and the people involved in them are taking away from their regular functions to participate.

Anyway, we now have a new President-elect.

Which way will this country go? Will we go down the road to a socialist state? My opinion is that that is highly probable based on some of his statements. Will people strive to better themselves (as he did) only to lose whatever they gain?

On the international scene, what will happen in the mideast? I fear for our only true ally in that part of the world, and maybe in the entire world; Israel. Why are the countries such as Iran celebrating Mr Obama's victory? I fear that he will sell Israel down the road.

I fear for our military. I fear that Mr Obama will weaken its ability to protect this country. I fear for Mr Obama's proposed civilian national security force. I fear what that may become. If a civilian national security force becomes a reality will it in effect become a praetorian guard? Or worse, an SA type organization,(Sturmabteilung).