Sunday, May 31, 2009

Obama's Big Date

So, Mr Obama decided it was time he kept his promise to his wife to take her to a NY play after the election.

What did that little marital promise cost the American taxpayers?

The cost of the plane (granted a smaller Gulfstream V as opposed to the larger 747)

The cost of security.

The cost of prepositioning (advance parties)

The cost to NYC for their support.

The cost of transporting staff and the press.

That becomes an expensive dinner for two and a show.

I'm guesstimating a cost in the neighborhood of $300k-$500K

When most folks are struggling to take their spouse to a neighborhood movie and a pizza this is outrageous.

The Obamas are personally millionaires. I would expect them to reimburse the government for this outrageous waste of taxpayer funds.

How many GIs returning from Iraq, Afghanistan etc could have a night out on the town with their spouses or significant others for all the money this little escapade cost?