Friday, January 14, 2011

Important Meeting - Council Transparency 1/18/11 Tuesday

There will be a meeting of the Public Works and Safety Committee on Tuesday 1/18/11 at 7:00PM.

Agenda and packet information is available at

Item 2 on the agenda would appear to be very important with regards to council transparency. This is where they will be discussing the format that the minutes of meetings will be taking. Minutes are the primary memorialization of what goes on at these meetings. Disclosure to the public is keeping within our framework of democracy. One item also includes the possibility of online audio availability.

Another part of item 2 (eventhough it doesn't show on the agenda, it is in the packet for that item) are rules for public participation in meetings. You would think that one short sentence about that could have been included in the agenda. Guess there wasn't enough room to mention that.

It is important to maintain maximum tranparency about what goes on in these meetings. It is also important to preserve citizen rights.

It would be nice to see a good public turnout for this meeting.