Sunday, April 03, 2011

Thank You Mr. Mayor

In the Spring/Summer 2011 City Line newsletter (available here: )
Mayor Jeff Meyers makes various comments about folks getting involved in city government. Among these comments are:

"It is my desire that every citizen and every business feel a part of Shawnee and its City government. Many people don't think about it, but there is no form of government that is closer to you and has more impact on your daily life than your City government."

"The impact of your City government on your everyday life is tremendous."

"It is because that impact is so significant that your engagement is so important."

These comments seem to echo many comments I've made over an extended period of time. The difference being the mayor says it so eloquently and diplomatically, where I've said that the citizens of Shawnee are disgustingly apathetic. Especially when it comes to what happens in their city. Their participation in city elections stinks. Their participation in representative government stinks. The facts confirm that.