Monday, June 15, 2020

Lindsey Constance -Does She Purposely Mislead or is She a Flat Out Liar?

Here is a screen shot of a post by Lindsey Constance, Ward IV, City of Shawnee council rep.

Now here is a section of the RMS audit which was published with other documents in the agenda:

Still trying to figure out her definition of "clean".  When ending balances don't match with opening balances?  And, she was one of the five that voted for the city manager's raise prior to this being on the agenda.  But this info must have been known prior to that vote, and he is responsible for those directors under him.

Anyway, does she mislead or is she just a liar?  And she also wants to be your state senator.

Oh, if you have trouble reading the info in the images click on them for larger copies.