Sunday, August 16, 2020

Democrats Want To Destroy America - Part I

 Let's start this off by saying what happened in Minneapolis to George Floyd cannot be condoned.  

What has been the result?  Demonstrations.  Justified and guaranteed by our constitution.  Protests, also guaranteed by our constitution.  Riots, not guaranteed by our constitution.  Destruction of property by various methods to include arson.  Not guaranteed by our constitution.  Physical assaults on law enforcement, to include murder and also against folks who disagree with the lawless anarchists.  Not guaranteed by our constitution.Looting of businesses.  Not guaranteed by our constitution.

I have much to say but will do so in multiple posts so as not to bore some folks.

This will be quick.  Let's look at the State of Minnesota.  The governor, after months of riots, property destruction, physical assaults etc finally called up the entire state guard a couple of weeks ago.  Like a day late and a dollar short.  At the same time he was asking the feds to provide five hundred million dollars to repair the damage and destruction caused by the rioters.  That's BS.  Why didn't he take control when it started?  Was he one of the liberal, tear jerking democrats who kept performing osculatory functions upon the gluteus maximi of the protesters?  Many of whom had the protesters turn on them?  Where will that five hundred million come from?  From law abiding citizens.  These  want certain reforms.  Some may be justified, most are not.  Still, five hundred million could go a long, long way to help communities that now need rebuilding instead.  I hope the federal government denies funding to those states that took no action to stop the rioters and who also failed or are failing to prosecute them for their criminal acts.  Let George Soros and his ilk pay to rebuild what his funding has destroyed. 

Then you have prosecutors like the state attorney in Chicago who is prosecuting very few of those folks charged with felonies.  Outrageous.  And what about the dumb DA in St. Louis who wants to prosecute that husband and wife who wanted to defend themselves and their property?  When a couple of hundred rioters march on a private street, break the iron gate to a gated community, show up in your front lawn threatening to kill you, burn and//or occupy your house, you have every right to defend yourself and your home.  It is the demonstrators who literally attacked those two folks and put their lives in danger who should be prosecuted.

Who is financially supporting these anarchists?  Who is providing the molotov cocktails, bricks, frozen water bottles that are being strategically placed during the day so the rioters have access at night?  Was that a peaceful protester who unloaded a bunch of baseball bats on the Brooklyn Bridge so that violent anarchists could attack members of the NYPD to include the Chief of Department?  Who is paying for their food, lodging, transportation?  Do I smell a link to George Soros and others of his ilk?  

And then we have the Commie News Network and  the Most Stupid News Broadcasting Company supporting these anarchists.  The same news outlets that for two years supported the left wing democrats' lies about the POTUS.  Guess what?  Now the criminal investigations on that front are coming to a head.

When it comes to elected office, beware.  It is the left wing democrats that if they advance in office, local or national, will do everything they can to destroy our country as we know it.

More to come..............................