Sunday, December 06, 2020

Time to Discuss COWs Again (Councilmembers from Other Wards)

 I've written about this subject before, and feel that with a city council election coming up in about a year (or sooner if there are primaries) it needs to be discussed again.

What is a COW?  Shawnee has four council wards.  Each ward has two council members. 
So, each citizen has 6 COWs.  Council members from other wards.

Let's switch for a second to the US Congress.  We here in Kansas might have an interest in a bill that is before Congress.  Naturally we would express our feelings to our rep.  At the same time we might contact, oh let's say a Texas rep and express our feelings (for passage or decline).  Because when the Congress meets as a whole they are voting for the whole country.

Same thing with our city council.  The members may represent a particular ward, but when they are on that dais and vote, they are voting for the entire city.  And that is why council members need to listen to citizens who may contact them, even if they are outside of their ward.  An example:  For argument's sake let's say some citizens of Ward 2 have an issue and want some support, besides from their reps, but from other council members.  So, let's say they contact a council member from Ward 1.  but that member doesn't want to be bothered with them because they are not in that member's ward.  Big mistake.

See, all citizens from all wards have the right to support or voice non-support for candidates in any of the four wards.  They can't vote outside their ward, but they can contribute to a candidate that they approve of.  They can even volunteer to distribute literature, make phone calls, etc.  So, when a council member from one ward turns a deaf ear to a citizen or group of citizens from another ward they are making a big mistake.  They may not agree with them, but they should not turn their arrogant noses up at them.  They need to at least listen.  Remembering that how they vote on the dais will affect those other citizens.

My previous comments on this subject: