Friday, January 01, 2021

Prediction Concerning Biden Presidency

 Has anyone noticed how the upcoming Presidency of Joe Biden is being referred as?

The major media is constantly referring to it as the Biden-Harris administration.  Even Biden and Harris have done that.  Harris even went so far at least once to reverse the names (LOL).  Many other senior democrats have also double named the administration..  I cannot remember any other time when a Presidential administration was referred to by both the President and Vice-President.

Why?  Is it possible that the Democrats are planning to take down their own leader?  Why did Nancy Pelosi start making plans for a congressional panel concerning the matter?  Was it to go after Trump?

Check out the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.  Please pay particular attention to Section 4.

Here's my prediction.  Joe Biden will resign the Presidency (health, dementia?) sometime after January 21, 2023, or he will be forced out by the 25th Amendment (health, dementia).  Why after January 21, 2023?  Read the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution and then do the math.