Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day 2022

 Tomorrow is Memorial Day.

Folks will be enjoying BBQs with friends and relatives.  Some will be going on mini vacations.  They will be engaged in a variety of activities.  That's fine.

The only thing that I would ask is take 5 minutes away from all of that.  Five minutes away from the dogs, brats, burgers on the grill.  Five minutes away from casting that line into the water.  Five minutes pulled over in a rest stop along the highway.

Use four of those five minutes to explain to folks, especially the young ones, what memorial Day is about.  Why they have the day off.  Why they can get with friends to BBQ.  It's about remembering those who gave their all for this country, "their last full measure of devotion",  so that we could do those things.  It is not to celebrate the service of our veterans.  That comes in November.