Saturday, October 29, 2022

Trickle Down Bidenism.......a Disease to be Cured on Election Day

As our dementia-in-chief continues to come up with outrageous statements (he just said the other day that gas was $5/gal when he took office), we need to cure this country of the disease of Bidenism.

He, and his "down ballot' sycophants will destroy this country.  The economy, inflation, crime and on and on.  He is destroybing how the rest of the world looks at us.  Yes, Trump may have been a loud mouth, boorish, individual, but, the rest of the world knew he was no pushover.  Biden has destroyed our petroleum industry, it will be a disaster this winter for folks heating their homes, then goes begging the OPEC countries for help.  Trump had us self sufficient in this area.  We had prosecutors that didn't kiss the asses of criminals to the detriment of victims, and future victims.  We had a border that was becoming more secure every day without millions, yes millions of illegals coming across and the problems they create. Terrorists, coming, drug shipments increasing and American citizens being held hostage to pay for the Biden's failed policies.

OK, let's help to cure the disease of Trickle Down Bidenism on election day.  Kick Sharice Davids and her 100% of any thing Biden to the curb.  Dump her ass.  Also, the same goes for Laura Kelly.  This state cannot survive four more years of her as governor.  The dementia-in-chief gets strength from having all these sycophants at lowere echelons of government (city councils, county commissions, school boards, state legislators, etc).  If they are a Biden acolyte, use your ability to immunize your part of the world against them by voting them down.