Sunday, March 12, 2023

Loser Lisa Larson-Bunnell is Recruiting Candidates?

 Oh my gosh.  Lisa the Loser Larson-Bunnell is recruiting candidates to run for city office.  You can read it here.  

I gotta laugh at what she says.  First, why isn't she running again?  Hmmm, as an appointed city council person when she ran for a full term, she lost....(dumba$$).  Why did she move from Ward 3 to Ward 4?  Could it be that her neighbors in Ward 3 were not happy with her views for the city?  (dumba$$)  Could she even get support from the public to run?  Door knocking, literature handing out and monetary contributions?  (dumba$$).  What does her family feel about her running again?  Maybe, just maybe they are against it, and that is why she isn't running? (dumba$$).

She says:  "

  1. The Council insists on imposing their limited culture and beliefs on our entire community. Their extreme behaviors transcend political party affiliation and lead to dangerous precedents and outcomes. "

 Wow, is that a stupid statement from a dumba$$.  Why did the face of the council change?  Simple, because the citizens were not enamored with her and the others of her leanings who were on the council.  Is that why she lost?  And is that why the two folks who ran instead of Zimmerman and Constance also lost.  Maybe the folks were tired of the left wing, sock it to the public attitude of these people.  Like trying to jam that community center down the city's throat.  (dumba$$)

She even goes on to say that the current council does not rely on the professionals on staff for analysis, etc etc etc.  Hmmmmm, let's talk about the recently departed city manager Nolan Sunderman.  He who thought the council worked for him and not the other way around.  He who was told to bring the info to the budget meeting about a 2 mill reduction in the mill levy and then took it upon himself to bring a 1/2 mill reduction.  Fortunately the council corrected his arrogant move on that one.  Also, she talks about folks leaving.  Hey, that happens when there are changes in government.  Especially with younger folks looking to "move on up".  Just look at Washington.  How many folks have left the Biden administration in only two years?  Man, is Loser LL-B a dumba$$.