Sunday, May 28, 2023

Memorial Day - More Than Just BBQ

 Tomorrow, Monday, May 29th 2023 is Memorial Day.  Many folks will be visiting with friends and relatives.  Lots of meat is going to be tossed on the backyard BBQ, along with corn on the cob, beans and a slew of other enjoyable edibles.  Nothing wrong with that.  Enjoy.

Just one favor.  Take a minute or two (or even three or four) before you sink your teeth into those culinary delights to remember what Memorial Day is all about.  Remmeber the saying, "All gave some, some gave all"?  Well, Memorial Day is to honor those who "gave all".  Keep in mind, if it wasn't for them you might not be in that backyard BBQing.  Sure, we have disagreements on many things in this country.  But, we also have more freedoms than almost all other countries in the world.

So, take those few minutes to remember and remind those with you why Memorial Day is the day that it is.  Especially the youngsters.  Drag them away from their Nintendos, X-Boxes, Cell phones, etc.  Teach them about it.