Saturday, October 21, 2023

Does Mickey Sandifer Suffer From BCD?

 This man would be an absolute abomination if he were to be elected mayor of Shawnee.

At the recent forum held by the Shawnee Mission Post you won't believe what Sandifer said.

First, in his opening remarks he said he would not enter the office with an agenda.  Huh.  That's plain BS. 

Would you vote for any candidate if they truly did not have an agenda?  I wouldn't.  I want to know what they would do.

Maybe I'd agree with it or disagree with it, but I would want to know what it is?  Actually, he probably has one, but does not want folks to know what it is.  Not a leader as he purports to be.  A puppet and a follower.  Remember how he wimped out voting on the non-discrimination ordinance.  He didn't want to anger certain religious groups by voting for it and he did not want to incur the wrath of the LGBQT+ community by voting against it.  Not a leader, but a puppet on a string.

The forum can be seen here

Also you will be able to see how he is unable to coherently answer and explain things.  

Or, he just makes things up.  At the end of the forum he mentions how the PD & FD budgets make up 3/4ths of the city's budget?  Which side of his feeble braindid he get that info from.  Combined, the two department's budgets are 32% of the city's, slightly less than 1/3.  That info is on the city's web site viewable here

Hmmmmm, did the left leaning Shawnee Mission Post do a fact check on that one?

Or how about this, from Mickey's campaign web site

"I have serious concerns about the City council’s vote to decrease the mill levy tax, against the judgement of the previous city manager and other Shawnee staff. 

We must protect against a revenue shortfall down the road."  First he is one of those who believes that the council should just rubber stamp anything and everythingstaff brings forth.  But let's talk numbers first.  The city sits with 57% in reserves, almost twice (30%) the recommended amount.  This council has reduced the mill levy three times.  By reducing it, as home values go up , the city will still get enough to run itself and still have a healthy reserve.  Mickey just loves raising taxes, he voted for that when he sat on the council and was a strong proponent of the Community Center project which would have saddled Shawnee citizens with an unnecessary tax burden and 72% of the voters shot that idea down at the polls.

Mickey just likes to make things up or embellish various items.  Oh, what is BCD?  Biden Cognitive Disorder.....just like 46 you can't trust anything that comes out of his mouth.  When he speaks, grab your hip waders.

Do we even want to discuss how he and certain members of the previous council received a scathing rebuke from the JoCo DA regarding a KOMA violation for voting for the former Mayor's uncle by marriage to fill an unexpired council term?  Not a leader, just a dancing puppet on a string.

I hate to say this, because I have always been an Elvis fan, but he must have been very prescient, as maybe this song was a peek into the future about Mickey Sandifer.