Monday, December 30, 2024

Did You Blacklist Your Relatives for the Holidays?

Crazy question, eh?  Well, now that Thanksgiving and Christmas are both over, it seems appropriate to ask that question.

 Why?  Easy!!  After the election, with Trump's resounding victory there were many folks including academics, psychologists, and bunches of talk show hosts who said it would be ok to tell any of your relatives who voted for Trump that they were not welcome at your home for the holidays.

Ouch, what ever happened to the calls for unity from these lying SOBs?  I have yet to meet a family that did not have major disagreements.  Be it politics, sports, movies, food, education, ad infinitum.  Yet, they were able to sit down and enjoy each other's company and love for the holidays.  These arrogant, SOBs that were preaching that folks should basically disown their relatives for having a differing political point of view are the types that are the real threats to democracy.  In other words they say "either think like us or forget that you are family".  What a crappy attitude.  Personally, I think it's healthy for family members to have opposing views on differing subjects.  That way they can discuss those views, like adults, and exchange information and ideas.  Not act like spoiled, rotten brats who fly into a tantrum because they don't get their way.  Or who are so emotionally immature that they can't go to work or school because of the election result.  What would these wimp asses do if they witnessed a really traumatic event?  Like seeing a relative mangled and dead in a car accident?  Or a buddy killed on the battlefield?

Can you just imagine how much fertilizer would have hit the ventilator if the reverse happened? What if folks were told to ignore their family members who voted for Biden?  Or Obama? What a crappy attitude of these sanctimonious hypocrites who went around shouting "unity".

Let's talk immigration.  All of these sanctuary cites/states are going to be in a world of hurt.  Let's use the AG in Arizona, a democrat, who is vowing to fight Trump and the incoming administration on deportations.  Here's the deal. Trump flipped Arizona to red this election.  Doesn't that tell that dummy that the people of her state favor his proposed actions and not hers? Next, there are various laws on the books under the U.S.C. which, as federal law, take precedence over any state and/or city law.  Some of them make it illegal to harbor illegal immigrants.  Others make it a crime to interfere with a federal law enforcement officer.  Remember the recent statement by the mayor of Denver that he would rather go to jail than to allow the deportations to happen in his city.  Tom Homan said he'd be happy to make that man's dream come true