Sunday, November 04, 2007

Shawnee - Apathy & Laziness

There will be folks in Shawnee who will read this post and get upset with me.

Too bad, because the facts support my comments.

In 6 months the citizens of Shawnee will have the opportunity to elect 1/2 of the city council and the mayor. An unacceptable majority of these citizens will sit home on their lazy butts and not vote. They will not even take advantage of utilizing a mail in ballot. Also, depending on how many candidates file to run, there could be a primary election in February.

Now let's look at some previous city elections.

April 2006

Ward 1 1232 votes
Ward 2 618 votes
Ward 3 854 votes
Ward 4 1084 votes

April 2004

Ward 1 2223 votes
Ward 2 1482 votes
Ward 3 1400 votes
Ward 4 1801 votes
Mayor 7042 votes

These numbers are putrid. Each ward has approximately 7,000 voters and the city has over 30,000. For Presidential elections and Gubernatorial elections though the turn out is usually much better.

The city council affects many aspects of our daily lives, and yet gets the least amount of attention. Think about that the next time you look at your property tax bill (among other items). Or think about that the next time you bitch and complain about a city policy, or lack of one.

People will rant, rave, scream etc etc and want to know "how did that happen?" But they don't take the time necessary to review the candidates for local office, or the issues. Then they don't take the few minutes necessary to vote. They don't "have time" to vote. Their vote "doesn't matter". Their vote does matter, and don't use time as an excuse. Especially since the rules for mail in ballots have been changed. You no longer have to be out of state, or in a medical facility to obtain a mail in ballot. What could be more important than having a say in your government?
People have died for us to have that right. Many have experienced severe hardship to maintain that right. And yet there are those among us who just ignore it.

If you need info on advance/mail in voting go to

Also, if you need info about registering to vote you can get that at

Don't forfeit the most important right that you have in our form of government. Don't take an apathetic, cavalier attitude about it. Get off your lazy butts and vote. If you don't, then don't complain about what does or doesn't happen.