Tuesday, January 29, 2008

O.R.C.H. 1/28/08

O.R.C.H. (Overheard in the Restroom at City Hall)

"Oh puppetmaster I am sooooooooo sad"
"Why are you sad puppet?"
"Last weekend, nobody from the council wanted to sit with us at the Chamber dinner. I felt abandoned, again."
"Do not feel sad puppet. I am working on a plan to change that. I have a select group of cronies, folks that will be like you, puppets on the council. We have to work to elect them. "
"Will I still be your number one puppet?"
"Yes you will."
"Oh goody. Thank you puppetmaster. May I kiss your ring now?"
"Yes you may, as long as you don't slobber all over it"
"Thnak you puppetmaster"
"You may rise now"