Monday, August 31, 2009

Donohoe can Deliver the Dough

An interesting thing happened at last week's city council meeting just prior to the vote to reinstate the residential franchise fees.

State Representative Owen Donohoe from the western part of Shawnee got up to address the council. He claimed to have located well over $1 million in funds that belonged to the city. He stated that he had given the info to a member of the council, approximately one week before the meeting.

If I heard correctly, we were given info that if the city issued a "kill order" for a street project we could get the money. Believe the project is the Monticello Rd project which isn't going anywhere now for a few more years. Eventhough we've already spent over $3 million on it.

Anyway, former city council pesident Tracy Thomas had quite a conversation with Donohoe. She has posted that info on her blog

I encourage folks to read her comments. Then start asking questions.