Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Resident Responds

I received an email from a resident of Ward 1 concerning the potential sales tax increase that would be part of the proposed Community Improvement District:

I appreciate your "ramblings" and your efforts to keep the City of Shawnee government accountable. I'd like to point out a key issue that you've missed in your most recent entry, "Potential Sales Tax Increase."I'm sure the Community Development area in question is frequently utilized by Ward I members (such as myself). The public hearing for the matter occurs on 4/26/10. Cheryl Scott's vacated council seat will not be considered/filled until 5/10/10. Thus, a matter that would most certainly have a major impact on Ward I members is currently slated to be considered while that ward is under-represented. I'd like to encourage people to write their ward reps and ask them to consider delaying the hearing on this matter until Scott's seat is filled. Thanks again for posting your insights.

Stephen Parnell
Ward I