Thursday, December 05, 2013

Mayor to Appoint Uncle Alan to Planning Commission

I'm on the city's email list to get notifications of all meetings.  Needless to say, when the notice for this upcoming council meeting (12/9/13) came in, I clicked on the link to view the agenda with supporting documents.

I was not prepared for what was contained on the agenda.  Mayor Jeff Meyers is recommending that the council appoint Alan Willoughby (his uncle by marriage) to the planning commission.

Sound familiar?  Well, Mr. Willoughby has previously served on the planning commission and then left that position when he was appointed to fill the unexpired term of David Morris who had resigned from the city council.  Remember the brouhaha that caused?  The KOMA investigation?  And yes, the letter from the JoCo DA which was clearly a reprimand.  (Yes a reprimand, even though we have one councilmember who does not understand the meaning/definition of that word).  Then, when "Uncle Alan" ran for the council on his own, for a full term, he was defeated.

Anyway an opening on the planning commission has occurred because Stephanie Meyer has been appointed to the city council.  So now the mayor wants to appoint "Uncle Alan" to the planning commission, again.  Is this the consolation prize for losing the election for the council?  Is this designed to give him another line on his resumé should he decide to run for the council in the 2015 election?

Ironically, another individual submitted the documentation (10/31) to fill the seat on the planning commission prior to the date of "Uncle Alan's" submission (12/4).  An individual with an engineering background, who has served as a public works director and who might just provide some fresh insight into the items that come before that commission.

I remember a couple of years ago when council member Vaught had a hold put on some applications for the planning commission.  Methinks, not only a hold, but a thumbs down vote is in order for this one.

For those who don't believe this is happening please go here:$FILE/City_Council_2013_12_9_Agenda_with_Supporting_Documentation.pdf

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