Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Did Candidate Justin Adrian Violate State Law?

This is an interesting question. 

So, let's start with this.  In the July 5th, 2017 edition of the Shawnee Dispatch (click here) the paper states:  Adrian, a married high school history teacher, sees a lot of untapped potential in western Shawnee.

Candidates for office are required by K.S.A. 75-4301a to file a Statement of Substantial Interests.
This is basically a form so as to preclude any possible financial conflicts of interest.  There is a section on page 3 where a candidate is supposed to indicate the source of any income by a spouse for the preceding year.  There is a box to check if the candidate has nothing to report.  That box was checked.  You can click here to see alist of reports that he has filed  Then click on the "eyeballs" for the Statement of Substantial Interests dated 5/1/17.  I believe his spouse has been employed in the real estate field for the past three years or so.  Would be nice if this could be clarified and if his spouse did have an income in 2016 that he comply with state statutes.