Thursday, October 22, 2020

5700 King Street Apartments, Constance and Chalfie.......Something Strange

 Strange things happening regarding the apartment building development for 57th & King.

Where do I begin?  First, the project was to come before the council on 9/28/20.  A request to postpone it for two weeks came about because Council Member Jenkins was undergoing surgery.  Surprise, surprise, it never did show up on the agenda 2 weeks later (10/12/20) nor is it on the agenda for four weeks later (10/26/20).  Why not?

Now let's look at some other interesting items relative to that project.  Many folks who live in the area of the project are not happy with it.  One of the things that they tried to do was to get Council Members Lindsey Constance and Jill Chalfie involved with their cause.  I recently found out that four (4) meetings with them were cancelled because one or the other could not make it.  They (the council members) had a requirement that they had to appear together and this finally happened last week.  Huh?  Constance and Chalfie would only appear if they could do it jointly?  Many times various members of the council have met with citizen groups without a requirement that another member be present.  This just solidifies, IMHO, that these two are joined at the hip and that Chalfie cannot act independently.  Is she a puppet for Constance?

Now, back to the delays of the vote on the council for this project. I can just guess as to why it has been postponed.  If the vote had been taken 10/12 or 10/26 and Constance had voted for it (Chalfie will mimic Constance), the folks in that area would have most likely voted against her candidacy for State Senate.  Hmmmm, would that have an effect on that candidacy?  Did somehow Constance get this item postponed until after the election?

I don't know.  Right now it's speculative.  But, if I lived in that area I wouldn't trust Constance to represent me in the State Senate.  The 10th State Senate District encompasses virtually all of Shawnee and a small segment of Merriam.  As a matter of fact, I don't live in that area and I still don't trust her to represent me in the State Senate.  I classify her as part of the Democrats/Socialists movement out to destroy our country from within. 

Edited 11/5/20:  When I said I did not live in that area, I was referring to the part of Shawnee where the apartment project is being proposed.  I most certainly do live in Shawnee and within the boundaries of the 10th State Senate District.