Monday, October 26, 2020

Hillary Clinton Disgusts Me

 I've been holding back, but something that came up today could not be ignored.  Hillary Clinton has said on her podcast that the thought of Trump winning reelection made her sick to her stomach.  Well Hillary, the thought of you ever being President of this country is a horror film.

Hillary Clinton, who didn't care about our guys in Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton who told State Dept employees they could not use private emails for government business and then did it herself.

Hillary Clinton who used that private email for classified documents.

Hillary Clinton whose campaign paid for a phoney dossier that resulted in a multi year and multi million dollar investigation that proved absolutely nothing (except that Trump did NOT collude with Russia)

Hillary Clinton who has spent the better part of the past four years undermining the President instead of trying to work with him and who has blamed everybody but herself for losing the election.

Below is a list of names of the individuals who lost a presidential election since 1952 (the earliest one I can remember).  There is only one name on the list that has spent the time after the election belittling and denigrating the individual who won.  That name is Hillary Rodham Clinton.

1952 - Adlai Stevenson

1956 - Adlai Stevenson

1960- Richard M. Nixon

1964 - Barry M. Goldwater

1968 - Hubert H. Humphrey

1972 - George McGovern

1976 - Gerald R. Ford

1980 - Jimmy Carter

1984 - Walter Mondale

1988 - Michael Dukakis

1992 - George H. W. Bush

1996 - Bob Dole

2000 - Al Gore

2004 - John Kerry

2008 - John McCain

2012 - Mitt Romney

2016 - Hillary Rodham Clinton