Monday, March 01, 2021

City Continues to Stifle Citizen Input

 On Tuesday Feb. 2, 2021 I published an item on this blog entitled:  "Shawnee, Quit Stifling Citizen Input"

Since nothing has happened to change the city's gross actions of stifling citizen input I feel compelled to address this subject again.

The item "Business From The Floor" has been removed from city council meetings.  It cannot have anything to do with Covid as folks can still attend meetings and comment on other items on the agenda.

The city advises that folks can email the governing body with their comments.  The problem with that is that emailed comments do not become part of the record/minutes of the council.  In person comments by citizens do become a part of the record of the meeting.

I am under the impression that four of the council members (Jenkins, Thomas, Kemmling and Knappen) have indicated a positive opinion about bringing back "Business From the Floor".  I am also under the impression that the remaining four members (Zimmerman, Larson-Bunnell, Constance & Chalfie) along with the mayor are opposed.  It also was brought to my attention that when the item came up at the recent council retreat/planning session that the city manager said something about shelving it until a future date.

Why is the city stifling citizen input?  What is the city afraid of by having folks address the council in "Business From the Floor"?  Is the city trying to block the thoughts of selected individuals?  Groups?There is a rumor going around that that could be a possibility.  Personally I only hope that it is a rumor and not fact.  Because, if it is fact that smells of tyrannical behavior.

Does the council need a review of Section 3 of the Bill of Rights of the Kansas State Constitution?  A document that they have sworn to protect, defend etc. etc.  Here it is, again, for those not familiar with it:

§ 3. Right of peaceable assembly; petition. The people have the right to assemble, in a peaceable manner, to consult for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to petition the government, or any department thereof, for the redress of grievances. (highlights mine)

I am sending an email to both the mayor and the city manager, not asking, but demanding an answer as to why "Business From the Floor" is not being brought back.

The email will read as follows:

Dear Mayor and City Manager,

Your attention is directed to my blog post of this date entitled "City Continues to Stifle Citizen Input" at

This has gone on long enough.  We are past civil niceties.  As such, I am not asking for your comments, rather I am demanding your responses.  So there is no misunderstanding, responses will be posted on the blog.