Saturday, March 06, 2021

Shawnee Is As Transparent As A Rock

To fully understand what I am about to say you might want to read my posts of 3/1/21 and 2/2/21 entitled "City Continues to Stifle Citizen Input" and "Shawnee, Quit Stifling Citizen Input".

These items were concerning the city removing business from the floor from council meeting agendas.  Ridiculous, because citizens could still comment on other items on the agenda.  So, why remove business from the floor?  

Now we have some updates:

The Good:  Starting Monday, March 8, 2021 this item, business from the floor, has been added back to the agenda of city council meetings. A big thank you to those council members who pushed for it.  Those council members who did not support returning it to the agenda can expect to be held accountable should they decide to run for reelection.

The Bad:  The item has been placed near the end of the agenda.  Right after miscellaneous council items and before adjournment.  It used to be much earlier in the meeting.  Was this a subtle move to continue to stifle input?  On a long drawn out night someone who wants to bring something up to the council could conceivably have to wait hours.  Yes, some meetings have lasted hours..............and hours........and hours.

The Ugly:  Neither the mayor nor the city manager have responded to an email demanding the info as to why the item was removed from the agenda to begin with.  Is that the norm now?  Selectively answering emails?  Refusing to explain their actions!!!!  Are they so arrogant that they feel they do not owe the citizens an explanation?

Well, here is the new email, being sent tonight:

Madam Mayor and City Manager Sunderman,

First, let me say I am happy to see business from the floor back on the agenda for 3/8/21.  It's placement near the end of the meeting could discourage folks from hanging around an exceptionally long meeting to bring up items.

Neither one of you has answered the question as to why this item was removed from the agenda all these months.  So, we will ask it again.  Why was business from the floor removed from the agenda?  Please don't blame Covid as citizens had the opportunity to comment on other agenda items.  Was this an attempt to stifle input from specific individuals or groups?  

You both have an obligation and a responsibility to answer inquiries from citizens.  Both of you work for us, we do not work for you.  Rest assured we will continue to request answers until we get them.  Your continued actions of ignoring the questions will be brought to the attention of the voters of this city.

A copy of this email has been posted on my blog along with additional commentary.