Monday, November 01, 2021

Election Day Tomorrow - 11/2/21 Wake Up Shawnee

 And no, I do not mean become woke.  In a previous post it was mentioned that we here in Shawnee are and have been insulated from some situations that happen in other parts of the country.  But those situations can eventually creep across the country and hit us. Partisan stuff is supposedly not discussed locally. And, the biggest screamers about that are certain individuals with left leaning, socialist tendencies who want to stay under the radar.  But, they want to control your lives, your thoughts, and indoctrinate your children.

And that has been their plan for some time now.  Get elected to local level government positions (city councils, school boards, water districts etc.). As such they can pass and sneak their progressive socialist programs in locally and then move on up to county, state and federal offices.  We see it happening on both coasts, and eventually it will creep into flyover country (that's us).  Let's take a preventive vaccine against the progressive socialist virus and elect folks that will stand up for American ideals.  

My choices:

Shawnee City Council:

Ward 1 - Tony Gillette

Ward 2 - Dr. Mike Kemmling

Ward 3 - Angela Stiens

Ward 4 - Jacklynn Walters

Shawnee Mission School Board 512:

Brian Neilson

Zach Roberts

Sean Claycamp

De Soto School Board 232:

Amy Parker

Emily Carpenter

Crystal Duke

Johnson County Community College (vote for four):

Dr. Gerry Malnar

Mark Hamill

Paul Snider

Wayne Sandberg

Johnson County Water Board:

Steve Gordon

Bob Reese

Missey Smith