Friday, November 26, 2021

Mayor Michelle Distler - MIA

 Well, let's see what we have.  Shawnee Mayor Michelle Distler was not present at the 11/22/21 council meeting.  Information available indicates that she won't be at the 12/13/21 meeting.

The 11/22/21 meeting had some important and contentious items on the agenda.  The December 13th meeting will, among other things, include the swearing in of the new council members from the recent election.

So, where is our Mayor?  Why didn't she participate remotely since there are now provisions for that?  She was elected to be the titular head of the city.  No explanation has been forthcoming from her, and an inquiry to the city communications manager asking if there would be a press release or announcement has so far not been responded to.

Technically, there is no requirement that the mayor notify anyone as to the reason for her non-participation at city council meetings.  But, IMHO she does have a moral and ethical responsibility to let the folks of the city know why she is not at meetings. Naturally we must realize that Ms. Distler is, IMHO morally and ethically challenged because of what she did to cause herself to be arrested and charged with perjury.  Additionally, her continued unwillingness to apologize for her transgression has not gone unnoticed.

Updated 11/30/21 for city communications manager's commentary:

Hi Ray,

I was off for a few days starting last Wednesday so that is why I am just now responding. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I was only informed that Mayor Distler was not going to be at Monday's meeting but I did not have a specific location or reason.

Thank you,

So, what is the mayor hiding?