Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Do You Know What Your Children Are Being Taught?

 Do you really know if CRT (critical race theory) is being taught in local schools?  Do you know if the "1619 Project" is being taught?  Do you know if either philosophy is being taught under a different moniker?

Everyday it seems like more and more school districts across the country are being discovered to be teaching CRT.  Now it comes out that the Detroit School District has hopped on the CRT bandwagon and their superintendent supports it.

Again I might mention that Shawnee has been for many years insulated from what happens in other parts of the country, and even somewhat in the metro.  

Methinks that parents who might be concerned about what is actually being taught in our local schools start doing the research.  Dig down.  Get copies of the curriculum and lesson plans.  Check what teaching aids are being given to the educational staff.  See what conferences and lectures they are attending.  Look at the reading lists and see what textbooks are being used.  Research what your local board of education members say, do and vote on.  Same goes for your reps to the state board.

Be proactive.  Don't wait to be in a position to say "how did this happen here".  Research, dig down.  Dont't take possible empty words as truth.  Some districts in the country have claimed not to be teaching CRT and then when the parents have dug down they have found those statements to be total fabrications.