Monday, June 13, 2022

The AR-15 Is NOT An Assault Weapon

 OK, I've about had it with folks who call the AR-15 an assault weapon.  It is NOT an assault weapon.  It is a semi-automatic rifle which requires the user to pull the trigger each time to fire it.  An assault weapon would fire multiple rounds just by holding the trigger down.

Obama referred to the AR-15 as a weapon of war.  Dumba$$ Kamala Harris calls it a military weapon.

Some of the anti 2A folks are finally showing their colors when hey refer to it as a military "style" weapon.  That is more accurate, it may look like one, but it DOES NOT FUNCTION like one.  Ask any Marine or Army infantryman if they would take an AR-15 instead of an M-16 into battle.  They'll look at you like you are nuts.

If a woman is going to a fancy affair with her significant other and wears a dress that is low cut, split up the side, etc. is she a hooker?  What about the person that drives a little two seat car.  Like the Mazda Miata.  Are they driving a sports car?  Hell no.

School shootings are an abomination.  No doubt about it.  But these folks who clamor for "common sense" gun laws don't understand the term "common sense".

Allowing schools to be soft targets is wrong.  An 8-1/2 x 11 sign on the door saying no guns allowed is not going to be a deterrent to a person wanting to cause havoc.  How many police can be put in the schools to protect them (or any soft target).  The Ohio governor just signed a bill authorizing teachers and staff to carry, but only after proper training.  Other states have done that too.  The first line of defense in a mass shooting are the people on the scene.

Let's follow the Israeli concept of how to provide appropriate security for schools.

Banning certain weapons is NOT the answer.  Common sense should tell these folks, that again, a person wanting to cause havoc will get their hands on whatever they want.

This is all a plan to disarm the American public except for those who want to be in power.

The characterization of the AR-15 as an assault rifle is just wrong.

For the heck of it:  Approximately 32 people are killed every day by drunk drivers.  Do we ban automobiles?  Bring back prohibition?  Read he FBI crime stats.  See how many folks are killed each year by blunt force instruments.  Let's ban baseball bats, lead pipes and a variety of other "weapons".

Sidebar:  June 14th is Flag Day and the 247th birthday of the U S Army......."This We Will Defend"