Thursday, June 16, 2022

Will The Kansas Association of School Boards Sever its Ties With The National School Board Association?

 The following was sent to Brad Bergsma, President, Board of Directors Kansas Association of School Boards.  It is self explanatory.

The KASB must sever its ties with the NSBA.  To support an association that has no regard for the parental or constitutional rights of those that it supposedly serves is wrong.

This is what was sent:

Good morning Mr. Bergsma

As of yesterday the school board associations of 26 states have severed their relationship with the National School Board Association.

The reason for this is simple.  It has to do with the letter that the NSBA sent to the President asking that parents attending local school board meetings be treated as domestic terrorists.  What is worse is that the AG, Merrick Garland sent a memo to the FBI asking them to get involved.  The original draft of the letter even had statements that the NSBA was suggesting that the National Guard and its military police units be activated for school board meetings.  The NSBA has shown that they do NOT value parents of students to have a say in their education, nor do they want them to exercise their constitutional rights at local board meetings.

Your web site has this statement concerning the NSBA "KASB is part of the National School Board Association(NSBA). This venerable association - established in 1940 - empowers state school boards associations and their more than 90,000 local school board members to lead and advocate for public education. NSBA believes education is a civil right, and public education is America’s most vital institution."

When will your organization join those states (including our neighbors in Missouri) and sever your ties with the NSBA? That is a very direct, specific question and deserves a very direct specific answer.

To provide complete transparency, this email to you will be posted on my blog at    Rest assured your reply will also be posted there in it entirety.

Thank you,

Ray Erlichman